Public Speaking

Hypnosis for public speaking?  Yes!

Joe made an appointment and came into my office.  He was small in stature, and 68 years old.  He was quiet, but shared his personal concerns about being able to speak at an important dinner in about a month.

Joe wanted to be a dynamic public speaker and had an event coming up with his volunteer fire company.  Despite the fact that he had achieved a lot in his personal and professional life, he had a problem with speaking in public.  During our intake conversation, Joe recalled a time where he had been the new person in his company, and no one wanted to ride to a fire with him because they didn’t know him.  He also recalled that as a little boy, his mother was divorced and that he felt “less than” everyone else without his father around.  He said these events caused him to have a problem with self-confidence when all attention was focused on him.  That is the kind of impact your subconscious memories and beliefs can have. Hypnosis speaks directly to the subconscious mind to make a change!

Through hypnosis, we worked with his subconscious mind and gave him suggestions to view himself as the person he is…the man with wisdom, experience and knowledge to share with his fellow volunteers and their families.  Joe was given a post-hypnotic suggestion to bring back feelings of relaxation when giving a speech or when thinking about giving the speech.  We had him visualize (mentally rehearse) the event going as he had planned and the audience congratulating him on his wonderful public speaking performance.

That is just what happened.  Joe texted me to thank me for helping him achieve the goals he desired.  He said “he can’t wait to do it again…”  His results were wonderful because he was serious about positive change and had a growth mindset.  He listened to his recording every night for 30 days and he came back for a follow up visit two days before the event.  Do you have anything holding you back?  Hypnosis and your professional hypnotist, Tina, can assist you with your goals.

Public Speaking Group Event

Is your fear of public speaking holding you back either professionally or personally? Join us for a group hypnosis session on Saturday September 28, 2024, from 4pm to 6pm. Learn about public speaking and how hypnosis can assist you in conquering your fear and moving forward in your life! Call Tina Pineiro, your facilitator at (570) 352 3048 for more information!