
We offer Hypnosis, Reiki and NLP training workshops. For hypnosis, you will be a certified consulting hypnotist and be a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists upon successful completion of your course.

For Reiki, you will receive a certification for the level you attain. Books, materials and the attunement are all included in the training price.

For NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), we offer two courses to train you in NLP. The first course if the Basic and the second is the Advanced NLP class. These are one-day workshops each and are comprehensive. At the end of your course, you will be certified by the NFNLP.

Business training courses are varied and ongoing and can be found here. Please remember that in order to use one of the modalities above (or a combo) and actually expect it to be lucrative, you will need to be thinking as a holistic practitioner AND as a business person. Although it seems to conflict in theory, it isn’t a conflict. You see, the more people you reach, the bigger your impact and the more people you can help. Love is a beautiful thing.